Few words about television

I'm not an expert in media, but I hold a degree in communication and, of course, I had to study it. However, what I am about to say comes only out of my personal experience.

I gave up television in 1998. I was 18 at the time, but television could not find itself anymore a place in the life of our family.

It was a very good decision, both for my studies and for my inner life. The "losses" were minimum, if any. I was listening to the news on the radio and reading, as much as possible, decent newspapers (that is another interesting topic). If I wanted to do something, I would go to the cinema see a movie or, more likely, to the opera.

But let's go back and discuss the television. First of all, there is a difference to be made between Romanian TV stations, and foreign. Almost every person I speak to about this topic agrees that stations like Discovery or History Channel, Eurosport and VH1 are rather useful. There are also people who believe that HBO and TV 1000 are also good.

But how about the Romanian generalist TV stations? Before anything else, my own experience. I do not watch television; however, at my job there is a television set in the recreation area. Any time the television is set on a Romanian channel, the voices are on higher tones, they are more strident and sometimes even hysterical. The language used is also very strong - in the bad way. The impression you get is that of aggressiveness and nausea. And God forbid if you have the guts to watch a Romanian talk-show. It's 0 (Zero) TV at its best.

Where all this could lead to? Well, in the end, here:

I'd say that what I can occasionally see on the screen does not convince me to buy me a black box again. On the contrary. The next big change I'm planning is to buy myself a 9 inch Kindle. I have hundreds of  (electronic) books to read, but you know very well it is impossible to read hundreds of pages on the laptop screen. I want to get back to reading, and at the same time I believe future belongs to e-books and kindles.

With love,


Adriana said...

O, Doamne! Nu credeam ca exista asa ceva. Dar probabil ca din cauza ca nu ma prea uit la televizor. :)

str53 said...


multumesc pentru comentariu.

Nici eu nu am televizor, si de fiecare data cand ma uit la o televiziune romaneasca decid ca e pentru ultima data cand fac acest lucru.

Tare mi-e teama ca exista si lucruri mai rele. Din pacate, la televiziunile noastre avem parte de extrem de multa violenta, mai ales violenta verbala.