I'm looking for a wife. Preferably, 24 years only and with an IQ of 169 - descriptum43

Life is so much better when your laptop is back from the service and the cooler actually works.

As I drank my coffee this morning and was listening to the radio, enjoying the peace of the moment, one of the guys started to chat about a study recently made public, realized in Switzerland. According to the conclusions of the study, a perfect marriage recipe requires a wife who is 5 years younger and 27% smarter than the husband.

If this is true - a thought crossed my mind - I'm scr***d. Sorry for the swearing, but I actually don't know how to put it otherwise. See, last time I checked, my IQ was 133. Add 27% to that and see where it leads to.

In the end, who needs a perfect marriage anyway?...


Anonymous said...

:) Good point at the end...

piticalb said...

I was gonna say, I had no idea you were into younger stuff - made me a bit uneasy, you know! Anyway, I think it's the other way round, really - I think the guy needs to be smarter than the gal... Otherwise, I'm sc*****d too, you see, as I would have not to match, but to surpass a very, very intelligent guy. And congrats for the IQ! Didn't doubt for a second, though.

Andrada said...

Intotdeauna ma amuza astfel de studii. Ma intreb pe ce criterii se bazeaza.

In fine, ce voiam sa spun este ca vad oameni destul de inteligenti in jurul meu, multi chiar peste medie, mai rar insa oameni de caracter. Pana la urma asta da valoare unui om. Pacat...

Oricum, mult noroc la cautatul sotiei si felicitari in cazul in care ai gasit-o.

Numai bine.

str53 said...

da, studiile astea au capacitatea de a amuza. partea mai proastă apare dacă le luăm în serios.

sunt de acord în ceea ce priveşte caracterul. din punctul meu de vedere, inteligenţa şi înţelepciunea sunt două lucruri diferite, iar înţelepciunea atârnă mai greu. am simţit asta pe propria piele.

cât despre căutat/găsit soţie şi alte lucruri de genul acesta, răspunsul meu este nu/nu. însă mulţumesc pentru cuvinte.

am impresia că titlul postării este luat în serios, cand de fapt se vrea a fi ironic la adresa studiului. postarea nici măcar nu are un caracter personal :)