blogging5. The World Blogging Forum - session 2 - morning

Good morning, everyone. This session is about the future of blogging.

I arrived here as Loic LeMeur was holding his speech, so I did not open the laptop. I noted my observations on paper and shall include them progressively during the second part of the morning session.

09.30 Loic LeMeur spoke about a variety of topics. What kept up my attention was the discussion concerning Facebook versus Twitter, the first being private and the second public. Under the pressure, the first reacted and became public too. Another subject was e-commerce. If I understood well, the idea was that all the applications which became popular did so because of the commerce.

Loic LeMeur also spoke about Twitter and how could it be used. For instance, talking to a restaurant by Twitter; on a lower key he believes dating won't work on Twitter. About what is to follow, he thinks Google won't buy Twitter. For monetization on Twitter, more and better applications are necessary. On a different level - answering to a question of Petru Terguta - Loic LeMeur does not think that an application similar to Google Translate would work on Twitter.

The main idea of his presentation is that, the more we share, the more we get.

Some tips he gave, for a situation where you have ~ 20 followers on Twitter and you want to change it: dont't be scared. Don't think, just share. Failure is OK. Don't overpromote yourself. Don't be too rushed, it can take a long time. Twit in English (the best way to promote yourself on Twitter).

10.00 Matthias Lufkens (he is German, representing Switzerland) does not consider himself a blogger. He describes the social media relations of the World Economic Forum in Davos. His idea is that you have to be on all the media, you have to be everywhere. Also, we should share on Twitter/Facebook and he recommends Creative Commons - a new way to share contents. Also, mention is made about sharing by live-stream and video-blogging.

About companies and Twitter, Matthias Lufkens believes it is vital that companies have an Twitter account, but it has to be personalised and it cannot be outsourced to the PR department. As well as citizen journalism, there is a CEO journalism.

10.30 Dario Gallo from Argentina brings three bad news about blogging:

1. blogs won't bring money;
2. governments will use blogs for political interests;
3. social networks will make blogs have less success. The more popular gets Twitter, the less is blogging.

Then, he speaks about blogging in South America. Bloggers are payed by governments, in certain cases, to attack other bloggers. Writing a blog is like writing a tango - you have to suffer. Blogs are fundamental because they help people open their eyes. It is more important that blogs defend liberty, than gain money - this should be the objective of the mass-media.

Question about Yoanni Sanchez (Generation Y), the recent developments of her case, and blogging in Cuba. Remember, there is a link to her blog in my blogroll.

11.00 Eric Dupin from France has a dense presentation about product design and online marketing.


11.36 Ritchie Pettauer speaks of the future of blogging and of the monetization of blogs. The problem is that if you want to monetize, you should know what the readers want, and that is quite the opposite of blogging. Another fact is that the only way to monetize is increasingly by the content, not by banners, for instance. Monetizing a blog is a very experimental process.

11.59 The moderator of the session - professor Dorina Gutu - reads the draft of the declaration of support for the bloggers trialed today in Azerbaijan.

12.01 Emin Huseynzade announces that the two bloggers - Adnan and Emin - were sentenced a few minutes ago. He continues speaking about how blogging should evolve (towards a more colloquial form), tagging and mobile blogging.

12.09 Ramon Stoppelenburg thinks sharing income with your readers might be a good development. On a personal level, we should include more people on a blog, because it strengthens blogs.

12.15 Luca Sartoni speaks about reputation and about the fact that being online is much more important than your reputation.... Reputation is connected with participation, which can be achieved by sharing. Give back value.

12.26 Pedja Puselja speaks about microblogging and social media as the future of blogging. However, Blogger keeps being important. In Serbia and Croatia there are about 5 million internet users.

12.37 Andrea Vascellari thinks future cannot be predicted properly. He discusses (personal) branding and new advertisement methods, with emphasis on honesty, transparency and being human.

Comments and discussion about the importance of visual images and the topic of not being perfect on blogs.

13.06 Lunch break.


Ruxus said...


Merci mult pentru relatarea ta. Am urmarit ce s-a discutat prin intermediul blogului tau si mi se pare f interesant si chiar am aflat lucruri noi si interesante si de actualitate. Mi-ar placea sa ne vd odata sa discutam.

str53 said...


multumesc frumos pentru comentariu. eu am considerat faptul de a fi prezent acolo ca o sansa pe care nu stiu in ce masura o merit.

si mie mi-ar face (multa) placere sa ne vedem din nou si sa vorbim, asa ca daca te hotarasti poti sa imi trimiti oricand un mesaj la adresa afisata pe pagina :)