
It seems I was not the only one thinking that a comeback of one socialist to the presidency would be bad, as at this hour Mr. Băsescu is credited with 50,37% of the votes and Mr. Geoană with 49,62% by the official count of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) - with more than 99% of the polls sections considered. So, most probably, Mr. Traian Băsescu is the (old and) new president of Romania.

There are, certainly, two good things about this second round of presidential elections: a very high presence - 58% of the citizens - and the very high number of Romanians established abroad who exercised their right to vote - almost 150,000 people (actually, their votes established the winner). To me, it starts looking like Romania is becoming a democracy. Another thing: there was much manipulation in these elections and, if the win of Mr. Băsescu is true, we have to face the conclusion that manipulation has shown its limits in these elections. That's not so bad, either.

Well, what will follow? Nothing more and nothing less than World War III in the Romanian politics. The socialists and the liberals - hardly hit by this defeat - will do everything in their power to prove that this choice was a mistake (starting at this very moment, with accusations of fraud), whilst the president must be conscious that almost half of the Romanian citizens voted against him, meaning that our society is very divided.

Otherwise, the question of a new valid government able to manage the current economical crisis - a government that we desperately need - is still in suspension, the winter will be very difficult and perhaps social tensions will follow. We need to focus on the economy, but I am afraid we are not that mature yet. I feel that the political show will go on, contrary to our interests, and I expect (anticipated) parliamentary elections in less than one year.

All that being said, I am convinced this result of the elections is for the better.

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