
More glasses.

I'd like to write more, but time is short. One thing: every single day - within the last two weeks - I carried my Kindle DX in the underground, with me, and I opened it every day. So far, I'm simply delighted by it.

I also noted one thing: I was NEVER the only person reading in the underground wagon. So there is, still, hope.

Tomorrow, I'll try to say a few words about a Romanian legislative initiative, made public today. A initiative I consider, in very few words, very dangerous.

Kindle your mind.


Leif Hagen said...

Let's have a glass of vino rosso!
Cheers for the weekend

str53 said...

@Leif Hagen:

This week I had a bottle of Pinot Franc and another one of white.

The red wine was from Vulcanesti - the Republic of Moldova. The white one was a Tokay 2008, from our western neighbors, the Hungarians.

Gotta say this, I prefer white grapes, and red wines :) Pinot Noir all the way.

In proper glasses, of course.